
Easy 20–30 Minute Procedure

A quick, painless same-day surgery that can help you achieve better vision.

Pre-Op Eye Exam

Before you schedule your EVO ICL lens (EVO) procedure your doctor will perform a series of standard tests to measure your eye’s unique characteristics for the procedure. Once your doctor determines that EVO ICL is a good option for you, they will educate you about the procedure and what to expect both during and after the procedure.

Getting Your EVO ICLs

When you arrive for your procedure your doctor will administer eye drops to dilate your pupils as well as anesthetize your eyes.

Small Opening

To prepare for the implant your doctor will create one small opening at the base of your cornea to insert the EVO ICL lens. The procedure is painless because of the numbing medication.

Lens Insertion & Positioning

The EVO ICL lens then can be folded and inserted through the small incision your doctor has made. Once the lens is inserted the doctor will make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper positioning in the eye.

Returning Home

At this point, the procedure is over and many patients will have improved vision nearly immediately. Your doctor will prescribe more eye drops intended to aid in the healing process following the procedure. You will need someone to drive you home, your doctor will tell you when your vision allows driving. See why the EVO lens is worth the wait. Click here to watch the video.

Cost blocks

How much does the EVO ICL procedure cost? Is it more expensive than LASIK?

EVO ICL and LASIK costs vary depending on various factors that may include your prescription, location and provider. Upon consultation with an EVO ICL doctor, they will provide you with your specific cost, financing options and payment plans.

On average, contact lenses cost $12,000 over a lifetime.* Your personal cost will vary.

Because EVO ICL is a long term solution, your procedure costs are generally fixed to a one-time fee. When you compare with the long-term costs of contact lenses, EVO ICL typically pays for itself.

*Popular daily disposable contacts, on average, cost about $600 a year. So over 20 years, a patient will spend $12,000 on contact lenses.

Candidate desktop

Who is a Good Candidate for EVO ICL?

EVO ICL Candidates

  • Are between 21 and 45 years old.
  • Are nearsighted with moderate to severe myopia (-3D to -20D).
  • Have not had a change in prescription of more than .5D in a year.
  • Are looking for a procedure that doesn’t cause dry eye syndrome.



河北麻友子さん | 女優、モデル

出産のためにICLを受けてから8年が経ちました。これから先も、 母として女性として、日々の充実した豊かな時間を諦めたくないですね。

髙まさみさん | 千葉県在住 会社員


立岡稔生さん | 東京在住 会社経営














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